Vince, I call BS

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Vince, I call BS

Postby Orca » Mon Oct 04, 2010 9:04 am


I feel this needs to be said. If I'm wrong, it doesn't matter much because I

While I appreciate that you take the time to lecture us from your lofty perch, I'd probably appreciate it more if you actually entered line ups in the leagues we are in together. Or I should say were in together.

I really think it trivializes your sermons when you don't even bother to participate in the your leagues.

If you wanted to leave the leagues, man up and tell the commissioner, just don't go inactive so you get booted. And if you do do that, at least have the common courtesy to disappear from the boards for a while. Because honestly, reading the condescending fantasy "advice" that you cram down everyone's throats, while knowing that you are incapable of handling even the simplest of fantasy tasks, such as setting your line up, is embarrassing. I'm embarrassed for you.

At the very least, I'd say you owe the league members and the commissioner an apology for completely disregarding leagues that they all put a lot of time and energy towards.

I suppose this is your queue to go on and on with some assbackwards justification that will ultimately result in me posting a recipe or something....I'm going to spare everyone and just not respond, having said my peace.


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Re: Vince, I call BS

Postby Phish Brigade » Mon Oct 04, 2010 5:26 pm

It really wasn't my intent to contribute to a "call out" thread... but I've been waiting to post this for awhile and couldn't pass up the opportunity. :lol:

QB- Vick, Freeman, Hasselbeck, Yates
RB- Foster, McCoy, M Bush, Ben Tate, R Jennings, Alex Green
WR- Wallace, TBMW, Colston, Boldin, Collie, Amendola, Washington Roberts, Doss
TE- Gates, Cook, Carlson, Heap, Shiancoe
K- Cundiff, Novak
DL- Abraham, J Smith, James Hall, R Quinn, Keiser
LB- Poz, DJ Will, Vilma, Wake, Rivers, Mays, Irving
DB- Polamalu, Berry, Delmas, C Woodson, M Griffin, T Thomas, Byrd

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Re: Vince, I call BS

Postby Orca » Wed Oct 06, 2010 8:16 am





Re: Vince, I call BS

Postby princevincexoxo » Wed Oct 06, 2010 7:39 pm

Orca wrote:/unretire


Well, I hope that this made you feel good about yourself. You should print this out and put one next to your computer, one on your bathroom mirror, and another on the refrigerator door....maybe you'll start to actually believe the fact that you beat me in something.

RETIRE. :shh:

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Re: Vince, I call BS

Postby Pilate » Wed Oct 06, 2010 9:19 pm

Is there a real dislike between Orca and Vince or are they playing?? I was gone all summer and maybe missed something.

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Re: Vince, I call BS

Postby Orca » Thu Oct 07, 2010 4:56 am

Pilate wrote:Is there a real dislike between Orca and Vince or are they playing?? I was gone all summer and maybe missed something.
There's no genuine dislike from my end, just a lot of disappointment. While I almost always violently disagree with Vince's fantasy opinions and don't particularly care for the arrogant manner in which they are delivered, I respected the passion he seemed to have for fantasy football. Since, in at least one league that I know of, he's shown a good deal of success, I was excited to compete with him in two leagues this year.

After watching him leave open spots on his roster all summer in a 16 team league and then not setting a competitive line-up in week 1, I was disappointed and I expressed that disappointment on the boards. He responded with more arrogance when I called him out. Three weeks later, he leaves in multiple bye week/injured players in his line up again. That really pissed me off. To add to the matter, he's unresponsive and non-apologetic to the commissioner's of those leagues for several days.

He posted over 25 times between the conclusion of week 3 and kickoff week 4, so I really can't see "not having time" as an excuse to not remove the BYE week players from his lineup. No Sunday morning injury report is necessary to take out your bye week players. Fantasy apathy is something that is dealt with all the time. Owners like to draft so they overextend their leagues and then don't send line-ups. It's a common and frustrating problem. That frustration is magnified 10 fold when the person who is too apathetic to set their line-ups, still finds time to deliver fantasy "advice" as if it some unquestionable divine proclamation. Even if the fantasy gods have for some bizarre reason decided that Brandon Lloyd will retain fantasy relevance, he doesn't do any good on your bench watching bye week players put up big fat zeros.

I have two kids, a 1 and 2 year old, and I work 50 hours a week, yet I find time to enter my line-ups and manage the teams the best I can. So I have a hard time when someone can't find 5 minutes a week to set a line-up. If that person does want to step away and focus on real life, I understand that as well as anyone, but man up and communicate with your commissioner to get replaced. Don't just let it slide for weeks and soil the integrity of the league that you are in. Wins are hard to come by and handing over free wins to your competition one week trivializes the entire league.

Some may say I'm taking fantasy football too seriously. While that may be the case to people outside this dynasty community, I can't imagine that people here, people who spend endless hours debating who might end up winning the wr4 position of a particular team, would agree with that sentiment. Those who spend that kind of time on these boards would certainly respect the actual leagues that share this websites name.

I apologize to any who have felt my personal attacks were over the top. My frustration and anger was magnified by the fact that no apology followed these transgressions and that the perpetrator wasn't "called out." My time is valuable and so is the time of all the members of the DLF leagues. I stopped posting on the boards to free up more time to focus on the leagues I am in. So when someone trivializes the leagues, it makes all the time that is spent on those leagues a waste. I spend hours trying to fill my RB6 position with some player that might somehow find fantasy relevance only to enter Sunday versus a team with BYE week starters. So yeah, that pissed me off.

Do I dislike Vince? No. Do I like what he did? No. Do I like how he handled it? No. Did I call him out because of it? Yes. Would I do it again? Yes.

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Re: Vince, I call BS

Postby hosler427 » Thu Oct 07, 2010 10:03 am

I don't want to add fuel to the fire but let me just add to what Nate and Gino have said on the forums the last few days. I have played FF with Vince for years now and very rarely are we on the same page. I can honestly say that as a person, I like Vince. We have had the chance to get to know each other a bit over the years and he is a good guy. When it comes to football matters, it isn't uncommon for us to disagree...sometimes it gets heated :angel:

All that said, I agree with every word Gino wrote. Everyone has a responsibility to their leagues and their fellow league members to do to enter an optimum lineup. Real life comes up and this is understandable. Like I told Nate the other day, on the grander scale of things fantasy sports ranks about even with making the bed. Still, this is a hobby will all do for fun but also for the competition. One team not entering a lineup one week can change a great deal of things. It could cheat another owner out of a playoff spot, change the rookie draft order and just threatens the integrity of the league from top to bottom. If someone can't find a few minutes to set their lineups, maybe it is time to bow out of a few leagues or whatever.

I think this situation speaks to situations a lot of leagues are in. Owners spread themselves too thin and the leagues suffer because of it.

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Re: Vince, I call BS

Postby dickiethon » Thu Oct 07, 2010 4:32 pm

Can't you submit your lineup every week for the whole year on MFL? The "no service" excuse sounds fishy. Were there no phones at this camp?
12 team start 1QB 2RB 3WR 1TE Non-PPR

QB: Brees, dalton, Carr

RB: AP, Rice, sankey, bush, fjax, taliafero, trent, riddick

WR: Dez, wallace, D. Thomas, watkins, A Johnson, vjax

TE: Olsen, fleener, donnell, ebron


Re: Vince, I call BS

Postby princevincexoxo » Thu Oct 07, 2010 7:10 pm

I am not responding to this thread any further until people read my explanation in its entirety. I will summarize a bit here but go back and read everything I wrote because as of right now nobody personally seems to really be seeing this from my perspective, and this is one of the things that bothers me to the extreme. Many of you failed to acknowledge my explanation in its entirety..again many of you are just judging based on bits and pieces, instead of looking at the picture as a whole (it kind of resembles how many of you go about analyzing fantasy football - sorry if that statement seems arrogant but this is simple truth - the facts were put out there and yet for some reason it was not analyzed to the point where it could be put into perspective, and understood)...Like i SAID BEFORE... the first week I missed starting a guy that had a thursday night game - easy mistake....week 2 wasnt an issue in any of these leagues...week 3 wasnt an issue in any of these leagues (notice how that wasnt mentioned)...but week 4 was an issue across ALL OF MY LEAGUES something clearly something happened this particular weekend that doesnt normally happen....thus my explanation in the other thread...which I will summarize here, AGAIN for you all to see.

1) Yes, I could set my line-ups on Thursday-Saturday..but I usually wait until Sunday morning to set all my line-ups to produce maximum results. I've ALWAYS done it that way.
2) The way my job works is I do not know my weekend schedule until at best 24 hours in advanced and I did not anticipate this issue at the moment - and keep in mind I dont have much experience with balancing the responsibilities of this sort of job with the responsibilities of FF so....
3) seeing as though I do not have cell phone service here in my neck of CT...and I did not anticipate this scheduling issue....I did not think to bite the bullet and just set my line-ups in advanced...I know better now. ...(this week I set my line-ups in advance for most of my leagues to avoid this issue happening again)

Again like I said...take this for what its worth...if you want to think this is me being arrogant, fine. But lets take a second to notice how I NEVER call anyone else here arrogant - Im always the one being tagged as arrogant...though Im pretty sure if I decided to take somethings personally (like Gino's photoshop project here)...I could probably make that argument against others as well. But I dont. I only give what I can take...if you cant take the heat then stay out of the kitchen. If you want to have an opinionhere on DLF you better be ready to defend it, or support it tooth and nail, otherwise its not really worth posting in my opinion - why have an opinion you arent willing to defend?


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Re: Vince, I call BS

Postby bobbytheo3 » Fri Oct 08, 2010 6:22 am

How do you get maximum results by not setting your lineup until Sunday morning? Since you can still change your lineup whenever you want, including Sunday morning, wouldn't you get maximum results by taking your bye week players out earlier in the week in case something happens where you can't make a change later? Then you can still make any appropriate changes Sunday morning.

Its more likely that your teams aren't that good this year so you are losing interest. Its easy to set your lineups when you have good teams and expect to win, but real fantasy owners put just as much effort in during the seasons when things aren't going their way. Being a front-runner is never cool.
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Re: Vince, I call BS

Postby dlf_ericd » Fri Oct 08, 2010 7:24 am

I can't believe I'm actually commenting on this thread...

Ok, here's the deal. I don't know Vince or any of you for that matter. I'm not in any of the DLF leagues (yet, hopefully) with you guys, but I take fantasy football really seriously. Obviously it's a huge deal when someone leaves a bye player in or doesn't take out an injured player - it affects the integrity of the entire league. Having been in all kinds of leagues - guppy, redraft, dynasty, big money, no money, experienced, friends, family, etc., I get frustrated when someone neglects their committment to the league. I view it as irresponsible, disrespectful, and lazy. BUT...c'mon man. Give the guy a break. It sounds like he's super-passionate about fantasy football (and no, I haven't agreed with everything he's said on here, although I think he makes a lot of sense sometimes) and wouldn't have done this on purpose. It was clearly a mistake, he's owned up to it and you guys just can't get off his sack.

I understand if you decided you needed to remove him from a league for his in-action. If that's the rules, then so be it. But can't you just leave it at that? If you have a personal problem with him, there's a little button under his username that allows you to send him a personal message or email instead of being a jerk in front of everyone.

Big picture, was this a big deal? Yes and no. He's apologized, accepted the blame, changed his normal operating procedures, and agreed to try to do better. Let's just all let it go.
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