The league forum for the Tecmo Bowl Fantasy League

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Re: COVID-19

Postby Dre » Mon Aug 10, 2020 4:54 pm

Here are some Covid rules passed on to me from another Commish, it's for a redraft league so it's not all relevant but thought it might be helpful to share

1) I will not collect league fees until we are certain that we will be able to completed the fantasy season

2) The fantasy season will be considered incomplete if fewer than 8 rounds of the regular NFL season are played

3) If the regular NFL season is cancelled before the fantasy playoffs, but with 8 or more regular season rounds played, then the fantasy championship will be awarded according to the current positions on the league ladder. Total points scored will be the tiebreaker.

4) If the regular NFL season is interrupted and/or reduced in length, but not cancelled, then I may reduce the number of playoff rounds to maximise the number of regular season matchups. This will have to be done according to the situation.

5) I will add 2-3 IR spots, this is to help managers deal with the players who might be put on the Covid watch list or those who have opted out

6) Due to pregame Covid testing, there will almost certainly be players in our lineup who are declared out at the last minute, so I'm going to introduce QB/RB/WR/TE substitutions. If one of your rostered players is ruled out at game time for a Covid related reason, and you didn't get a chance to swap him out, then at the end of the round I will manually substitute the points from an eligible player from your bench.

To be eligible, the substitute must:
a) play the same position
b) not have already player their own game that round, and
c) must have been on your team at the time of the substitution (no free agent pickup after the game started)

If there is more than one bench player eligible to act as substitute, I will choose the player with the LOWEST score

Each manager will get only 1 substitution per round. If there are more than on substitution-eligible incident in the round, the earliest case will be used.

7) If any NFL game is cancelled or rescheduled, any affected players on fantasy rosters will be eligible to be subbed, as above. But beyond that, there will be no action taken. If you have more than one player rostered to start from that game, then only on will be subbed.


Does MFL have capacity to do emergency subs? I know that's gonna be a killer for many of us who don't live in the US

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Re: COVID-19

Postby johnyutah44 » Tue Sep 29, 2020 7:53 am

Well at least the first three weeks were covid free

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