V2 Leagues

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V2 Leagues

Postby V2Leagues » Mon Jun 29, 2015 7:18 am

Hey DLF! I wanted to highlight a new type of game being announced called Virtual Squared Leagues http://v2leagues.com — it’s basically like Fantasy Football but instead of live sports it has characters (Orcs, Warriors, Wizards, Zombies, etc.) from virtual worlds.

I’m part of the team that helped make it, and we’re basically creating living virtual worlds and combining that with virtual player leagues. So you can draft characters from these virtual worlds and play in structured matches against your friends every week, just like you would in fantasy sports, but in a virtual setting.

We thought you guys might like the Realm Adventure League (MMO/Fantasy) http://realmadventureleague.com or Zurvival League (Zombie Survival) http://zurvivalleague.com, and we’re open for pre-registration!

Looking for feedback/general reactions, what do you think?

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