Why Do Some Write "XMas"?

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Postby thevidon2 » Mon Dec 21, 2009 6:01 am

Pilate wrote:
thewhyterabbit wrote:
hosler427 wrote: couldn't agree more. It has gotten to a disgusting point where potentially "offending" someone is more important the religious freedom. And actually it is beyond that because many non-religious people celebrate Christmas as well. It really is sickening....
running a business, technically we are not allowed to say merry christmas at all. we have to say happy holidays. legally we are liable if we use the term "christmas" ... i think thats pretty weak. i generally repeat what is said to me. so if someone says merry christmas, i say the same back. same with happy holidays... people are just too sensitive nowadays and want to sue over anything. iv taken a few law classes, and over hearing me saying merry christmas to someone that said it to me is within guidelines, but frowned upon by corporations.

personally i think its weak... if i hear someone say something else from a different religion i just see it as them wishing me a good holiday or "christmas" society has become overly aggressive with the lawsuit thing.
Wait a second. You state "legally we are liable" but then say it is "frowned upon by corporations." These are two different issues (legality vs company policy) and maybe you can clarify your above post.

I am no lawyer, but work in the law field and there is no way by saying "Merry Christmas", you can be held liable for anything. I am probably misunderstanding what you are saying so I won't explode all over this forum about how asinine that would be if this country ever got to that point.

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I went to law school.

You can say "Merry Christmas" anytime you want, to whomever you want.


Postby princevincexoxo » Mon Dec 21, 2009 6:31 am

hosler427 wrote:
highballers wrote:
hosler427 wrote: Does it matter when Jesus was born? This is when everyone celebrates it so the actual time frame doesn't matter. Honestly, I would feel a little different if this country was founded to get away from religion but it was founded expressly for the purpose of freedom to worship. So it was and is freedom OF religion not freedom FROM religion.... :D

PS This is just my opinion...please don't take me too seriously and start a DLF religious war :lol: I usually don't express my opinion on religion because of this
I agree with you Dan. I guess I didn't make my point very well. We don't know when Christ's actual birthday is so I was trying to say the season title doesn't matter. Its the thought that he lived and put forth great ideas through his teachings. And yes freedom of religion, of which there are several, is one of the basic ideas in the founding of this nation. So I try to be tolerant of other's beliefs as long as they do not upset the domestic tranquility of this nation and are not harmful to others.

This is difficult subject to talk about as many have very passionate ideas and I apologize. Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa and Happy birthday to all. :) Hope everyone has a great time with family and friends.
Good call...I did misunderstand your first post....well put.
Yes you did Dan, yes you did :lol: good point and well put highballers...I agree wholeheartedly. And honestly, I think its ok for people to be passionate about their feelings about a specific holiday....I think that a lot of these rules and guidelines may have been created to simply attempt to be on the safe side when it comes to overseeing the mass of widespread ignorance, and miscommunication in our country :lol: . You can make a similar argument about race on job applications - choosing between white, black, latino, asian, or other....forcing someone to say happy holidays is like forcing someone to check other....when the true essence is that you should be passionate not just about what you believe, but also the spirit of this time of the year (personally I think it should be a year round feeling but thats another issue...), and in this spirit you should also understand that there are people that differ from you, not necessarily in spirit, just in belief, and thats ok. Our only hope is that everyone eventually understands this....and unfortunately a few bad apples in the past have spoiled the bunch, so now a lot of the time Im guessing companies and organizations would prefer to stay safe by TRYING to control the situation themselves than to be sorry, and rely on the problem solving, and judgment of the diverse population of individuals in our country...I suppose they think that...whoever WOULD HAVE felt offended, now FEELS protected, respected, and considered by the rule, and people that wouldnt have felt offended would mutually feel each other out and break the rule off the record anyway...so really the rule doesnt really affect anyone that has good judgment...

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