Making of a champion

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The Dynasty Niche
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Making of a champion

Postby The Dynasty Niche » Mon Feb 03, 2014 9:54 am

Russel Wilson and other Seahawks talk faith and football
8 Team DEVY* 2QB PPR: Start 2QB, 2RB, 2WR, 1TE, 4FLEX. 22 Man Roster
QB's: Luck, Rivers, Ryan, Watson*, Kayaa*
RB's: David Johnson, Peterson, Ajayi, Lewis, Dunbar, Stewart, McKinnon, K. Marshall, Guice*
WR's: Hopkins, Robinson, Green, Marshall, Allen, Bryant, Cooper, Parker, DBG, Evans, Smelter, Gordon, Williams*, Davis*, Villamin*, Cain*
TE's: Gronk, ASJ

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