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Intensity Dynasty League Openings Available!! Check us out!!

Posted: Mon Apr 27, 2015 4:07 pm
by chubbyluvv
Entering our 14th year, INTENSITY Dynasty Fantasy Football is a collection (18 and growing) of highly competitive, full payout, 12 owner leagues where intense, engaged owners have the confidence that their leagues will operate securely and well into the future. The INTENSITY brand is rugged and is attached to the individual owners of our 18 leagues, not a corporate entity attempting to make a buck with a rule set that is more convenient to the going concern than the individual franchises. The INTENSITY rule set, evolved over 14 years from owner votes and input, maximizes skill and minimizes luck. Contact a random sample of any three owners from any of our 18 leagues for the proof statement for any and all of the above.
2 League Types: 1) non-IDP, ½ point PPR; 2) non-IDP, PPR+Flex
Roster size: 20 and 24 man formats
Start Format 1: QB, 1-2 RB, 3-4 WR, TE, K, DEF
Start Format 2: add 1 flex position (RB, WR or TE flex)
Annual Fee: $100