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Mandatory Trade Leagues

Posted: Wed Jul 31, 2019 9:25 am
by Jason3123
Does anyone play in any leagues that have any sort of "mandatory" trade rules. Like 1 trade per month/quarter, auction trades, etc..

Asking because I heard an idea on the Rotoviz Dynasty Tradecast podcast where each owner is assigned 1 month out of the year where they must nominate a top 100 (ADP-based) player for trade. Owners then silently bid on that player, and the owner must accept the best offer. I like the idea of this, but I question how they determine what the "best trade" is. Because owners values vary so wildly. I imagine they just go based off ADP but you could get a little weird with someone offering like 2-3 or 90ADP players versus another owner offering a single top 50ish guy. Who determines what's more valuable?

Anyways, anyone play in any leagues with similar type rules or gimmicks? If so, how are they perceived and how well do you think they work?

Re: Mandatory Trade Leagues

Posted: Wed Jul 31, 2019 9:30 am
by Mjvb5
I really really don't like that idea of going off the ADP of a player as I'm going back to my tried a true example
I nominate Conner, I get offered Dalvin... Dalvins adp is higher than Conner therefore this is likely to win even though I'd want at least a first with Dalvin to consider moving Conner.If you do this best trade needs to be left up to the owner deciding but at the same time what if you don't like any of the offers, your not allowed to negotiate on them you just have to take it and go with it.
IMO in an active league this isn't necessary at all, you'll have slow times sure but slow times are good to let owners look over there teams and values and figure out what they want to do

Re: Mandatory Trade Leagues

Posted: Wed Jul 31, 2019 9:36 am
by Goddard
Terrible idea...but I guess if you're doing it, you would let the owner decide which is the best offer rather than going off ADP.

Re: Mandatory Trade Leagues

Posted: Wed Jul 31, 2019 9:59 am
by bjd5211
I would not be remotely interested in a league like this.

Re: Mandatory Trade Leagues

Posted: Wed Jul 31, 2019 9:59 am
by killer_of_giants
Jason3123 wrote: Wed Jul 31, 2019 9:25 am Who determines what's more valuable?
the owner. duh.

anyway, the idea sucks donkey's balls.

Re: Mandatory Trade Leagues

Posted: Wed Jul 31, 2019 11:02 am
by problemsolver
This site is absolutely rife with posts/threads about relatively fair trades that are "shaking leagues to its foundation". Mandating trades just seems like a great way to have a one year league.

Re: Mandatory Trade Leagues

Posted: Wed Jul 31, 2019 11:16 am
by Mephistopheles
Wouldn't even consider joining one of these. People send trade offers that are awful enough without having the rules mandate they force feed this bleep on people once a year.

Re: Mandatory Trade Leagues

Posted: Wed Jul 31, 2019 11:16 am
by RB6
Awful idea. If this was suggested in any of my leagues I’d bounce so fast.

Re: Mandatory Trade Leagues

Posted: Wed Jul 31, 2019 1:01 pm
by briank
Jason3123 wrote: Wed Jul 31, 2019 9:25 am Does anyone play in any leagues that have any sort of "mandatory" trade rules. Like 1 trade per month/quarter, auction trades, etc..

Asking because I heard an idea on the Rotoviz Dynasty Tradecast podcast where each owner is assigned 1 month out of the year where they must nominate a top 100 (ADP-based) player for trade. Owners then silently bid on that player, and the owner must accept the best offer. I like the idea of this, but I question how they determine what the "best trade" is. Because owners values vary so wildly. I imagine they just go based off ADP but you could get a little weird with someone offering like 2-3 or 90ADP players versus another owner offering a single top 50ish guy. Who determines what's more valuable?

Anyways, anyone play in any leagues with similar type rules or gimmicks? If so, how are they perceived and how well do you think they work?
Sounds like a terrible idea to force a trade. My suggestion would be to find a league full of good active owners and weed out the bad ones.

Re: Mandatory Trade Leagues

Posted: Wed Jul 31, 2019 1:09 pm
by rubber_duck
Jason3123 wrote: Wed Jul 31, 2019 9:25 am each owner is assigned 1 month out of the year where they must nominate a top 100 (ADP-based) player for trade. Owners then silently bid on that player, and the owner must accept the best offer.
Not a big fan of this idea, but I can see how this could work. My primary league is an auction format with no salary cap. Each year the rookies are auctioned off to the highest bidder. Any unspent money is saved for later use (e.g. trades, free agents, or next year's rookies).

In a league like that, these "forced" trades could be done for straight cash. This makes determination of the best offer trivial.

Re: Mandatory Trade Leagues

Posted: Wed Jul 31, 2019 1:11 pm
by IR1
I’ve had similar ideas as a league I’m in is very inactive in trading other than 2-3 of us. Was thinking more about mandatory offers every month. Not sure how’d you realistically enforce a rule like that. Even crummy offers are fun to get when you may go months between offers being sent. Never know what happens when you counter

Re: Mandatory Trade Leagues

Posted: Wed Jul 31, 2019 2:47 pm
by Jason3123
So on the podcast, the host, I believe it's the guy who owns Dynasty Trade Calculator or did, not sure, his name is Eric Burtzlaff. Anyways, he stated that the leagues he's in that has this type of rule, he's only seen a bad deal 1 time, claiming that there is always at least one owner who pays fair market value or even above. The one bad trade he referenced he claimed was just a player who nobody in the league really wanted, and the 1 offer submitted was pretty cheap apparently. Unfortunately, he didn't go into detail about how the winning trade is selected when there are numerous offers submitted, and that's the part I was curious about. It sounded like every offer was made public at the end of the bid process for transparency.

I don't think the idea is terrible, considering it's obviously being used in some leagues, and I know there are owners in my league who I can't trade with whatsoever, so I think something like this could fix that. But I could also see a lot of issues, which is why I posted to see if anyone has experience with these types of rules.

Re: Mandatory Trade Leagues

Posted: Wed Jul 31, 2019 2:49 pm
by Phaded
Mandatory trade leagues sound idiotic.

You don't need to trade to even build a top-tier team.
Some owners like to trade more than others.

Re: Mandatory Trade Leagues

Posted: Wed Jul 31, 2019 3:09 pm
by meineymoe
There are ways to promote trading - for instance, give awards for best trade, based on a league-wide poll, or most active owner, or any of other various reward scenarios you can come up with... forcing owners to trade or even be more active than they are comfortable with won't end well.


Re: Mandatory Trade Leagues

Posted: Wed Jul 31, 2019 3:54 pm
by Forza_Azzurri
I hate the idea ... I am a very active owner, but I’m not an exceedingly active trader. I have a good track record finding sleeper, who’ll I’ll gladly swap in a trade, but in my 20+ years of playing keeper/dynasty, I can count on one hand the number of times I’ve traded for a marquee player (defined as a Top 10 ADP player).