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Life decision

Posted: Mon Mar 08, 2010 6:59 am
by BradyT
Hey fellas.. I remember Vince opening a thread like this where he asked the forum for opinions on his possible future. I´d like to do the same.

As some of you know, I´m a law student here at the university of Hamburg. We´re having a small house here in Hamburg and we´re living a more or less good life, but we never had much money to spend. I always wanted to go in a direction where I could make the best money possible, no matter what job it would take to do for it. So after I graduaded from highschool I thought about what possibly could give me the best chances of just making money. I decided to study law, to become a lawyer and make money.I thought I´d do fairly well ´cause I thought it wouldn´t matter fto me what do to.. as long as the money is waiting on the backend...
So far my exams are all more or less average or sometimes below average(some even failed), and I realized thats there´s something missing about studying law... it just doesn´t get me excited. You know.. when there is something in your life you really like to do, thats excites you and is fun for you doing... its an easy piece of work and it makes you forgetting about the time going bye and actually makes it easy doing the work you have to do and actually makes you real good(above average) in your job/studies. Studying law,all the stuff you have to do for your studies, always is something that I know I have to do cause´ I want that great exam at the end of those 6 or7 years because I wanna make the money.. but it just isn´t exciting or fun for me and therefore makes it real hard to go through.

Since there are so countless of law students, it has to be your goal to be better than the average(the biggest part of all law students) in order to have a good and realistic chance of getting one of those jobs I always wanted. Right now I dont think it is realistic for me anymore. So given that "fact", my way would lead away from the university.

But here comes the hardest part of it... and thats how to accept (probably) not making the great career I was hoping for. How to accept not to make the big money I was hoping for..

I know I could get through studying law.. and while I know I probably should quit because it just isn´t very likely me becoming a real good law student, I still have those thoughts of the big money and great career in the back of my mind. And I´m trying to figure out If I can live with it not having the great career and the big money but possibly doing something that is more fun to me, that I´d more like to do as my job.

I´m thinking about joining the police and possibly either applying for special service(some kinda SWAT team) after a few years or maybe joining the criminal investigation department(dont know if thats the right word for it) and working in the homicide division(after 3 years of police school I think), possibly doing both, SWAT and homicide diviosn if thats possible -

While I got a feeling it could be the right thing for me, I´m still having a very hard time getting away from that money-first thinking...

Its probably pretty confuse what I just wrote here... but maybe you can share some thoughts on why it is possibly a good thing to not just go after the big money, to not just go after a job because of the big money. Maybe you have some thoughts that possibly make a decision like this easyier for me.



Posted: Mon Mar 08, 2010 7:08 am
by hosler427
Brady...the older you get the more you will realize money is definitely not the most important thing in life. Find something you enjoy and go with that and your entire life will be better. Happiness doesn't go along with the $$$...Right now, my wife and I get by but we don't have a lot. Still, I am extremely happy with my life and wouldn't trade it for money. I think you will find that you will find more fulfillment in friends, family, and a job you enjoy....

Posted: Mon Mar 08, 2010 7:32 am
by skip
Money should never be the primary motivation in anything that you do. If it is, you will be miserable for a number of reasons (no particular order):

1) Money doesn't buy happiness. In any area of life if you are making money the #1 priority you will be miserable doing it.

2) The more money you make, the more stress you will have. This can come from the demands of the job. It can come from the budget you decide to live on for yourself. If you are living up to your means (or beyond them) and are making a large income, there enters in the additional stress of not losing your job.

3) Regardless of your religious views, some day you'll be dead and the trappings of life will be meaningless anyway.

I could give a long rundown on my own job and financial history, but I won't. Instead, I will just tell you that a little over a year ago I gave up a job that was paying me double what I am making now. I am in the same field, but gave up that job to work from my home. It gives me a ton more time with my wife and children and well more than makes up for the money.

Posted: Mon Mar 08, 2010 7:47 am
by blacksheep
I'll echo what Dan and Skip are saying, Brady. Everyone always wants the nice home, the best car, trips to the exotic locations but as you do get older you find that life's best moments are the small, spontaneous ones. The best times are ones spent with family and friends doing the little things...for me anyway. Ask me what I did on a trip two years ago and I probably couldn't even tell you where I stayed but ask me where my son and I went fishing ten years ago when he was five and I can tell you exactly where, how many we caught and how he fell asleep on my lap on the drive home. Do all the things that make YOU happy. Its only money and its not going with you. You have to be happy first in all aspects of your life and if you're stuck in a career you don't like, it soon bleeds over into all areas of your life. As a former police officer and parole officer, I think your choice of public service is very admirable and although it can get stressful and frustrating, it also can be very satisfying. Ask Nate. Good luck!

Posted: Mon Mar 08, 2010 8:22 am
by Pilate
Hey Brady, you and I have shared several emails regarding your interest in Law Enforcement so I won't rehash all of that. I too will echo what others have stated here and that money should be low on your list when it comes to finding a career path.

I am 39 years old and have experienced alot in life including marriage (16+ years), 3 kids, and three career changes during that time. The questions you are asking yourself is not limited to a young person like you. I can tell you I have had conversations with two other friends on this board regarding career changes and they are in their 30's. My point is many experience changes in life when they are older including career moves so don't think you are alone here and also don't think this will be your last time questioning your direction in life.

Realize this, it is rare for someone to love their job 10 years into it as they did their first day. I dreamed of being a Police Officer and worked very hard to become one believing it would satisfy me and bring me contentment. I quickly learned how wrong I was. I soon realized that my job didn't define who I was. It didn't make me any better looking, any thinner, any faster, and certainly didn't make me a better human being. The career that I dreamed would define me, make me respectable, and bring satisfaction became nothing more then a job. Don't get me wrong, jobs are important for many different reasons and play a a critical role in society. But driving fast, carrying a gun, chasing bad guys on foot and in a car, getting in fights, kicking in doors quickly lost their appeal and became a job. And at times, one that comes with a stiff price. In a 4 month period recently, 5 Police Officers were killed within 10 minutes of where I work. One of the incidents many around the US heard as it made national news. 4 Officers were gunned down while beginning their shift in a coffee shop...I had the unfortunate honor of being part of the Honor Guard and the flag folding portion of the ceremony for one of the families of the slain Officer.

My point is this...your job will not bring you anything that you don't already have inside of you. I personally find my deep fulfillment and satisfaction in two things. My relationship with Jesus Christ and my family. The fun and enjoyment in life I find in my hobbies...fantasy football, music, low and slow bbq, and great beer.

My encouragement for you Brady is to seek out a career path that you will enjoy and will be good at. Realize that it will quickly become a job regardless of what you do and see it for what it is...a tool to provide for you and your family. After that, find you enjoyment in life in other things; your hobbies, your friends, etc.

Good luck and welcome to the journey that all in life must travel....

Now playing: P.O.D. - Southtown

Posted: Mon Mar 08, 2010 9:40 am
by Steelersfan
I agree with the others Brady, do what makes you happy. Money is nice, but if you do not enjoy what you do all the money in the world won't make you happy.

Posted: Mon Mar 08, 2010 10:42 am
by Orca
Everybody has given really sound advice.

As long as you are sure that you are passionate about law enforcement, than go in that direction. But if you are assuming you would be more passionate about law enforcement, and don't really know, than I would take a little more time to make the decision. If you are going to give up the $$ to do something you love, you have to make sure you really will love it. Because while doing something you do not like and making big $$$$ is bad, but doing something you do not like and making no $ is even worse.

I know from experience that sometimes, doing something other than what you are doing, anything different, will seem attractive for the wrong reasons.

And one more point, there are a LOT of different things you can do with your law degree and not all of them make big money. So it is possible you could find your passion that way. Just to give you something else to consider.

Another thing to consider is the level of debt you may have accumulated thus far, as well as the future debt that will be added to that. Again, from personal experience, I can tell you that student loans drag from you like an anchor for a long time. Now I sound depressing, that is not my intention.

Just make sure you are making the decision for the right reason and you can't go wrong. That is a cliche I know, but it really has merit.

Posted: Mon Mar 08, 2010 11:33 am
by Misfit74
I have a simple response of words that I live by:

"Do what you love, the money will follow"

Posted: Mon Mar 08, 2010 11:47 am
by princevincexoxo
Sometimes making more money than you need leads to more problems than you need. If a job becomes all about the money, then you start focusing on JUST THE MONEY...and in the end that leaves you feeling empty.

Last year I had my first professional job making 25,000 a year plus commissions and bonuses. At the time I made enough in just a week to pay my bills for a month, maybe even two depending on how well I instead of saving, budgeting, planning, and investing my money I blew my extra money on credit cards, always leaving myself with nothing in the end.

Posted: Mon Mar 08, 2010 4:12 pm
by Shawn
A few years ago I was also ready to go to law school as I had taken the LSAT entrance test and everything, but towards the end of the process I decided not to and had realized that I wanted to go to law school for the wrong reasons, as I'm sure the money would be nice and it sounded impressive to tell my friends I was a law student, but it the end it just didn't feel right. In your case, I think you definitely sound a lot like me, so I can relate to you, in which case you could be better off trying a different career path in which you can be happy, and not driven by things like money, amazing how wise the Notorious B.I.G. was when he rapped about "Mo Money, Mo Problems" :D , as there is a lot of truth to that. If you're close to finishing your degree, I suggest finishing it because a law degree is still a really nice thing to have and is still really nice to have on a resume, and you can use it for other careers like law enforcement or education. On a lighter note, Law enforcement could also be fun in Hamburg, as I know Hamburg has a really exciting "Red Light District" :lol:

Posted: Mon Mar 08, 2010 4:22 pm
by BradyT
Thank you fellas!!! Thank you very much for you responses!!! I really appreciate it!

I always thought it wouldn´t matter what kind of job I´d be doing, as long as the money would come in. Maybe I was mistaken.. and I´m starting to realize that you have to love what you´re doing to really be good at it.

Maybe I should´ve listened to a certain HOF RB, named Barry Sanders a little earlyier.. he said: "It takes everything in you to be good at it. you have to play it for the love of the game.. once that leaves, its time to leave"

Maybe its the same in life... maybe you have to give everything in you to be good in a certain job.. and to give everything in you, you have to love it.

Thanks fellas!


Posted: Mon Mar 08, 2010 9:26 pm
by thewhyterabbit
sure its great to have alot of money.. its what makes the world go round..


the more money you make, the more money you spend.

the more you have, the more you are accustomed to having.

last but not least, money isnt everything its cracked up to be.

it really just depends on what lifestyle makes you comfortable and happy.. if you're only happy when you have nice things... then you need to make alot of money. if you arnt about material things then money isnt what you need to be happy. iv been very blessed with having nice things, because i work hard for them.. but i wouldnt be miserable without them brady, because i know whats important to me... what i enjoy, and what priorities i have.. life is short, i wouldnt waste your time doing something you dont enjoy... because you will eventually just quit it anyways... follow your heart, but be reasonable... thats what your mind is for.

you have to find out what makes you happy.. if its money, then follow the money. if its not, then dont... from the sound of it... its not money.. to have alot of money you have to be the elite at what you do. be that a lawyer, sports figure, singer, actor, dentist, doctor, owner, worker.. and like i said, the more you have the more you spend... dont let something define who you are... or what you want.

iv went through hard times before so i know what its like to be pretty low... ( no electricity for months(cold showers in winter)... sandwiches and water for months on end ) .. i believe god wants you to be happy, and challenges you at times... sometimes we make the wrong decisions... thats why we are human... but its how you bounce back and redem yourself for the mistakes... little and large...

in the end its your decision... you're going to make the grades that you want to make.. if you dont care about making the superior grades then you wont make them, and you're wasting your time.. thats not saying you're lazy.. but just like you, i never do things i dont want to do. i have a hard time waking up for college classes because its not important to me. i like to be challenged. and trust me working where i work is a challenge everyday.

personally im content with having a beer... wearing a ragged bleep T and watching my falcons become respectable...

my gf is three months pregnant and we go to the doctor tomorrow... this is probably the happiest iv ever been.

Re: brady

Posted: Mon Mar 08, 2010 10:25 pm
by princevincexoxo
thewhyterabbit wrote:sure its great to have alot of money.. its what makes the world go round..


the more money you make, the more money you spend.

the more you have, the more you are accustomed to having.

last but not least, money isnt everything its cracked up to be.

it really just depends on what lifestyle makes you comfortable and happy.. if you're only happy when you have nice things... then you need to make alot of money. if you arnt about material things then money isnt what you need to be happy. iv been very blessed with having nice things, because i work hard for them.. but i wouldnt be miserable without them brady, because i know whats important to me... what i enjoy, and what priorities i have.. life is short, i wouldnt waste your time doing something you dont enjoy... because you will eventually just quit it anyways... follow your heart, but be reasonable... thats what your mind is for.

you have to find out what makes you happy.. if its money, then follow the money. if its not, then dont... from the sound of it... its not money.. to have alot of money you have to be the elite at what you do. be that a lawyer, sports figure, singer, actor, dentist, doctor, owner, worker.. and like i said, the more you have the more you spend... dont let something define who you are... or what you want.

iv went through hard times before so i know what its like to be pretty low... ( no electricity for months(cold showers in winter)... sandwiches and water for months on end ) .. i believe god wants you to be happy, and challenges you at times... sometimes we make the wrong decisions... thats why we are human... but its how you bounce back and redem yourself for the mistakes... little and large...

in the end its your decision... you're going to make the grades that you want to make.. if you dont care about making the superior grades then you wont make them, and you're wasting your time.. thats not saying you're lazy.. but just like you, i never do things i dont want to do. i have a hard time waking up for college classes because its not important to me. i like to be challenged. and trust me working where i work is a challenge everyday.

personally im content with having a beer... wearing a ragged bleep T and watching my falcons become respectable...

my gf is three months pregnant and we go to the doctor tomorrow... this is probably the happiest iv ever been.
Spencer touched on a really good make a lot of money you have to be elite at what you do...and to be elite at what you do in the long haul I believe you have to love what you do.

Posted: Tue Mar 09, 2010 8:41 pm
by Phish Brigade
Some good advice here Brady.

The one thing that I keep coming back to in my own life is: Unless you are doing something that you are extremely interested in and passionate about, making money while doing something that isn't a passion will make your job... a job. More than likely, you will want to change paths at some point if you're doing something that you really don't enjoy. For example: I work for a big corporate soul sucking entity. It pays the bills, it's a respectable job... but it's killing me. You'll want to avoid situations like that.

You're still young, find something that you really like. For the most part, if you are working for "someone else" it will end up feeling like a job instead of a career at some point. There aren't many people who can say that they truly love what they do after an extended period of time ( 10-20 years ). But public service is one thing that some people truly enjoy. Just make sure you know you'll enjoy the crummy aspects of it too. Good luck!

Posted: Tue Mar 09, 2010 10:09 pm
by thevidon2
I went through law school. I know exactly what you are going through. If the law doesn't inspire you then for gods sake get out now. I was 90% done with law school before I realized how soul sucking being a lawyer truly is. Billing by the hour was impossibly depressing, and lawyers almost universally are so overworked that they have no hobbies or social life. If you haven't worked in a firm yet and actually billed by the hour, try this exercise and see honestly how you feel about it:

Lawyers bill by the 10'ths of an hour, therefore all billing comes in 6 minute increments. Try keeping track of every six minutes of your day for a week. Every day write down everything you do, how long you did it for, and why you were doing it. (FYI if you enjoy this exercise you are clearly a masochist. :P )

I finished out law school, did not join a bar. I was lucky to have experience in IT and was able to move into an alternate legal sector (electronic discovery) which I really enjoy. Additionally I don't know how your market is over there, but over here the legal sector job market is incredibly bad. If you aren't in the top 25% of a top 50 school you will be LUCKY to make $60k a year. Many many attorneys are making in the 40-50k range and even jobs at those levels are disappearing. It is too demanding and difficult of a field to get into if you aren't fully committed. Wish I could be more cheery, but the legal field is rough right now. :(

There is a lot of good advice in this thread. I would only differ and say that money is VERY important to a point. If you are struggling to pay basic bills every month you will most likely suffer from a lot of stress and any relationship you are in will also suffer (based on my personal observations). As long as you are making enough money to be "comfortable" and cover all your basic needs though, I think finding a job you don't hate is really all you can ask for these days. I've never fully bought into the whole "find something you love" mantra because jobs really are a necessary evil. You do them because you have to, and your family is relying on you for support. Work sucks, which is why rich people only work at 2 types of jobs: 1 - jobs which require very few hours and have high prestige (Board of Directors etc), 2 - jobs which give them power over other people (CEO's, Politics etc). Just do what you can to find something that you can stand to do for 30 years every day.


1. Being a lawyer sucks
2. Making enough money to cover basic needs is important
3. Find a job that, at a minimum, you don't hate