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CBS Sports Commish Help

Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2015 9:41 am
by balaberda
Ok I am not actually the commish in this league but I need some help here. I am pretty sure you can do this since the fees are a lot for this site.

Our league is very active with trades and we are unable to click future draft picks for our trades.
Is this seriously the site not allowing it?

We end up having a monster list in the forums of everybody transferring picks etc in trades and there has to be a better way.

CBS Commishes:

Is there a way to add the next year draft picks to a players roster so you can select them when making trades? If so please give me the instructions so I can pass them along.

Re: CBS Sports Commish Help

Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2015 10:19 am
by zjdlmt
CBS sucks and I don't understand how they can charge money for that site. I ran a league with a friend and for years he was all about CBS and a portion of our league fees went to the site. I could never figure out what he saw in it. I find the commissioner tools to be less than intuitive, they don't have waivers that run normally, the app sucks. There's nothing about it better than free sites other than that it tracks your breakdown record against all opponents for you. This year, my friend didn't want to have any commish responsibility anymore so I moved the league to a free site and he was so upset by this that he quit, calling me cheapskate to boot. Why would I want to spend the league winner's money on this site where I get no value out of it?

I can't answer your question other than to ask my own. Why are you paying for this? Or, in general, why is anyone that uses CBS paying for it? I'd honestly like to know if there are some out there that like it. Why?

Re: CBS Sports Commish Help

Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2015 10:31 am
by jason401
I don't use CBS Sports, but do you have the ability to create players? If yes, you could create a 'player' on each team to represent each teams draft pick. You could name them something like:

TEAM XYZ - 2016 1ST
TEAM XYZ - 2016 2ND

Maybe you could create a taxi squad for these 'players' only, so they don't take up actual roster spots.

That way when you want to trade a pick, you just select that player. It is still cumbersome and extra work, but it might be less work than keeping an extra spreadsheet. Or maybe it won't? Just a thought.

Re: CBS Sports Commish Help

Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2015 10:44 am
by balaberda
People pay for CBS because it is flashy. Has real time scoring updates and other than that it is awful.

I run my own league in MFL and I wish it was a bit more flashy but as a commish it is amazing. I will ask him about that create player thing but the only issue I see is that it will impact Roster Rules.

Re: CBS Sports Commish Help

Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2015 12:40 pm
by bonscott
balaberda wrote:People pay for CBS because it is flashy. Has real time scoring updates and other than that it is awful.

I run my own league in MFL and I wish it was a bit more flashy but as a commish it is amazing. I will ask him about that create player thing but the only issue I see is that it will impact Roster Rules.
It may be flashy but ESPN is flashy and way better then CBS and free so the "flashy" part isn't worth it for CBS in my book since the free sites do it better (and with less ads!). All the free sites have real time scoring updates as does MFL and others. Nothing unique about CBS. I know it's not your league but I just wanted to point that out.

I don't know the answer for the draft picks but I highly doubt it since it's just a redraft site and doesn't have dynasty features.

Re: CBS Sports Commish Help

Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2015 1:05 pm
by jdacunha
I am in a dynasty league on CBS and our commish creates the players like the other person mentioned above. We have been on the site 15 years. No one wants to change!

Re: CBS Sports Commish Help

Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2015 1:13 pm
by balaberda
jdacunha wrote:I am in a dynasty league on CBS and our commish creates the players like the other person mentioned above. We have been on the site 15 years. No one wants to change!

Do you know if you have to make weird Roster Rules? Or can you just create these players and have them take up 0 to the Roster limit?

Re: CBS Sports Commish Help

Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2015 1:49 pm
by jdacunha
balaberda wrote:
jdacunha wrote:I am in a dynasty league on CBS and our commish creates the players like the other person mentioned above. We have been on the site 15 years. No one wants to change!

Do you know if you have to make weird Roster Rules? Or can you just create these players and have them take up 0 to the Roster limit?

We add them to the practice squad.

This is how we title the player:

Re: CBS Sports Commish Help

Posted: Thu Sep 24, 2015 5:07 am
by steelman
We also add custom players in my league to identify draft picks, but one problem I've noticed is the players name doesn't appear correctly in the CBS fantasy app.

Anyone else have that problem?

Re: CBS Sports Commish Help

Posted: Thu Sep 24, 2015 5:47 am
by bigchiefbc
Yes, adding an unlisted player to represent the draft pick is what you have to do. As for the player displaying on the app, I think it assumes the first "word" in the player's name is the first name, and the second "word" is the last name, and it displays players as first initial (period) last name. So I'm not sure what you used as the player's name, but that might be why it's displaying weird.

Re: CBS Sports Commish Help

Posted: Thu Sep 24, 2015 9:14 am
by balaberda
I did it for him today in 30 min. Thanks guys. This commish is a slug.