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Re: Post Combine - now what?

Posted: Fri Mar 20, 2015 10:57 pm
by Arkived
Swampdonkey17 wrote:
Arkived wrote:I have the 1.02, 1.03, and 1.08. With my roster below whom should I be taking with those picks? Before the Combine it was Gordon and White/DGB (I don't want any part of Cooper or Parker).

Now I'm torn between White/DGB/Ajayi/Yeldon at 1.03. I don't need a WR, but should I pass on the WRs available to me at 1.03 to draft Ajayi/Yeldon/another RB?

Another owner offered me the 1.04 and his late 2nd round pick for the 1.03 because he's afraid I'll take who he wants after Gordon (I have no idea who he wants. Its a RB and he says it's not Ajayi).

What do I do?? Thanks for the help folks.

I'd probably call BS on this, it's almost in stone who the first 4 are gonna be. Unless its allowed to have an agreement of who he is to draft, I wouldn't do it.

He came out with Allen Robinson and the 1.04, but refuses to offer up the 1.04 and another 1st for the 1.03. I guess that I don't blame him, but I told him straight out that I'm not going to move the 1.03 without him giving me the 1.04 and 1.06 or 1.07. I offered the 1.03 and 1.08 for the 1.04, 1.06, and 1.07, but he's not interested. He's absolutely terrified that I'm going to take who he wants. He has me pinned to taking White and Gordon or whoever lands in Dallas at RB. I'm not saying he's wrong, but I genuinely am not entirely sure what I'm doing. I have so many WRs but I don't want to pass on White. I thought about RB RB, but I just really don't think that I'll be able to leave White on the table. So at this point it's White and probably Gordon, but it's really going to depend on where the other RBs that I like end up (Yeldon and David Johnson specifically, but I could throw Abdullah, Ajayi, and maybe even Duke Johnson in there. Although I doubt I would take either Abdullah or Johnson that high, over Gordon, regardless of where they end up).

I'm starting to become more and more not sold on Melvin. Not that I think he's going to be a bust, I just don't believe that he's so good that he's a lock at 1.02 or 1.03 unless he was to end up in Dallas, SD, or Baltimore.

Re: Post Combine - now what?

Posted: Sun Mar 22, 2015 12:54 am
by Swampdonkey17
Allen Robinson to move back 1 spot...I dont know if I could say no. Sounds like he wants it bad though, so waiting isnt bad for you. But unless he agrees verbally or on league forum as to who he will take (meaning you'd have to trade when you're on the clock) as to who he will take, then you're still in charge

Re: Post Combine - now what?

Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2015 3:48 pm
by Arkived
Swampdonkey17 wrote:Allen Robinson to move back 1 spot...I dont know if I could say no. Sounds like he wants it bad though, so waiting isnt bad for you. But unless he agrees verbally or on league forum as to who he will take (meaning you'd have to trade when you're on the clock) as to who he will take, then you're still in charge
It's hard to say "no" to A-Rob, as I wanted very badly to draft him last year and have inquired about his cost numerous times. However I just don't think Robinson is currently in a great situation with Orange Julius being signed and Blackmon looking more likely as if he will make a return. I still think he's a great talent, I just don't see the upside right now.

I am in control; and he knows it. Right now I'm just standing pat with my picks and I'll figure out what I'm doing after the NFL draft.

Re: Post Combine - now what?

Posted: Sat Mar 28, 2015 9:04 am
by Dynasty DeLorean
ARob and the 1.04 for the 1.03? Crazy not to accept that imo. But if you really really want your guy at 1.03 then hold i suppose.

Re: Post Combine - now what?

Posted: Sat Mar 28, 2015 11:33 am
by nwhalen
Yes do that in a heartbeat and i'm not even a fan of Arob.

Re: Post Combine - now what?

Posted: Fri Feb 12, 2016 9:40 am
by Dynasty DeLorean
Based on his sig it looks like he went Cooper / Gordon / Parker with his 3 picks. Essentially he passed up trading Melvin Gordon for ARob + 1.04. Brutal.

Re: Post Combine - now what?

Posted: Tue Feb 16, 2016 8:08 am
by Arkived
Dynasty DeLorean wrote:Based on his sig it looks like he went Cooper / Gordon / Parker with his 3 picks. Essentially he passed up trading Melvin Gordon for ARob + 1.04. Brutal.

Hindsight is always 20/20 my friend.

I completely regret not making that trade. As the draft grew closer I decided that I had to take Cooper to ease the conflict I now have this off season with four of my best WRs all needing to be extended, traded, or held on to for one last season (Dez, AJG, Nuk, and Alshon). Fortunately, Dez's injury riddled 2015 dropped his price tag considerably. And AJG isn't commanding as much as I was expecting. Nuk and Alshon shot up substantially though.

As for Parker, he fell all the way to the 1.08. I had absolutely no plans of taking him in the 1st because I didn't believe that there was any way for him to still be there with the 1.08. My league mates weren't on board with him and he fell. That was a situation where it wasn't expected, but I felt like it would be dumb to pass on him with that value.

Re: Post Combine - now what?

Posted: Tue Feb 16, 2016 12:35 pm
by Dynasty DeLorean
Oh yeah, you stole Parker at that spot so that softens the blow a little. No worries, we all goof... I'm still kicking myself for trading Hopkins+ for AJG last offseason. Didn't mean to name and shame you, I just thought it was shocking at the time you didn't take that deal... but at the same time I completely understand wanting to get "your guy."

Re: Post Combine - now what?

Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2016 8:38 am
by Arkived
I didn't take offense to your statement. Just wanted to explain my reasoning.

I was higher on Allen Robinson than I was Melvin Gordon. I just thought that I should be able to get more, and ARob didn't look as studly as he does now. Where we stand at this moment, it looks like a huge mistake on my part. And it was. I considered making the deal, briefly, but stuck to my guns to get the price that I wanted or I was holding. I held. If I had known what this past season held in store for Robinson then there would have been zero doubt at all.

You can't kick yourself over the "what-ifs" however. We are all going to make mistakes. The only thing that you can hope for is to make more positive decisions that you do negative. After the season that Melvin Gordon and Allen Robinson just had, I look like a complete tool. But there's still plenty more football and rookie drafts to go. Just need to keep on keeping on!