New 2 conference 24 team league.

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Salty Dawg
Posts: 607
Joined: Mon May 21, 2007 6:35 am
Location: Rochester,NY

New 2 conference 24 team league.

Postby Salty Dawg » Mon Jun 18, 2012 2:58 pm

I am creating a new league with fellow commish (Haydn). Some of you may know him from here and other leagues.

This is a larger league but it primarily functions as two leagues in one. It is 2 conferences comprised of 2 six team divisions each. Therefore each conference plays amongst one another and the winners of each conference play one another in the last week of the playoffs to become league champion.

This is a dynasty league. 26 roster spots, no IDP, decimal point scoring system . 9 starters (2 flex -- 3 max RB start). Victory points with 4 doubleheaders --during non bye weeks.

This is a $ league.

We are having this league go for $40.00 in annual fees.
there will be a one time fee of $8.33 to have customized graphics. The graphics are a biggie and really bring a uniqueness to a league.

the mfl fees are 5.41 per team (as long as mfl doesn't change their fees)

We currently have 21 owners and have a couple other potential candidates who I am waiting on replies from.

If you are interested in another dyno with a little different twist, feel free to pm me.

Here are the payouts:

Pay out structure is as follows:

super bowl champ 400
super bowl loser 250
conference losers (2) 75 per
division round losers (4) 20 per
regular season division champs (4) 20 per

960 paid out , 960 in league fees collected. 100 percent payout,

salty dawg


Salty Dawg
Posts: 607
Joined: Mon May 21, 2007 6:35 am
Location: Rochester,NY

Re: New 2 conference 24 team league.

Postby Salty Dawg » Mon Jun 18, 2012 3:38 pm

1 spot left

Salty Dawg
Posts: 607
Joined: Mon May 21, 2007 6:35 am
Location: Rochester,NY

Re: New 2 conference 24 team league.

Postby Salty Dawg » Mon Jun 18, 2012 3:44 pm

League is FULL!!

thanks everyone.

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