How to convince my parents to let me see a “different” school?

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How to convince my parents to let me see a “different” school?

Postby Atticus03 » Mon Jul 26, 2021 9:26 am

I am a rising junior in high school and have started my college search. I know I still have time to iron out my list, however I think in the next year or so I should start taking tours. One school that I am really interested in is Rice University. The problem is that I am a very liberal person with a very liberal family, and every time I bring up Rice as a place I am interested in, my parents refuse to look into it because it is in Texas and we live in New Hampshire (if you get my drift). I have done lots of research and think that this would be a perfect reach school for me, and I know that Rice and Houston are liberal places. The problem is that Texas is right-leaning and they think that means everywhere in the state is like that. I have tried to tell them that this is not the case but they will not accept it. Rice students/alumni/parents/anyone with knowledge of Rice, how can I convince them to at least let me see the school? (we are taking a road trip soon to the south so it isn’t too far out of the way)

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Re: How to convince my parents to let me see a “different” school?

Postby 81- » Mon Sep 02, 2024 2:45 pm


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