12-Team Auction Start-Up Devy League

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12-Team Auction Start-Up Devy League

Postby aachally » Tue May 03, 2022 9:39 am

I've been having difficulty filling this league, and it was recommended that I post here... So, hopefully y'all can help me! Any feedback or suggestions on how to attract more interest will also be greatly appreciated!

This will be the 4th League which I'm Commissioner of. Also, I'm DEFINITELY open to changing the rules if it'll help me fill the league, since this league is mainly about the Devy/Auction portions (Best-Ball Line-Ups is something I've been considering).

* 4/12 Filled
* $50 Yearly Buy-In; $75 Year One (LeagueSafe - 2022 Empire/Yearly, 2023 Yearly)
* Payment Deadline Prior to Start-Up Draft Beginning
* Craft Beer Themed (Name/Logo)
* Slow MFL Auction (ONLY MFL PART; ~7-10 Days)
* Sleeper League Host
* SFlex/QB-Premium/TE-Premium/Tiered-PPR/PPFD (0.5 Pass & 0.75 Rush/Receive)
* Yearly (60 Player) Devy Auction (MFL)
* Unlimited Devy Roster Slots/10 NFL Roster Taxi Squad Slots

All additional rules be can be found in the Sleeper League Chat Pinned Messages... If you have any questions or you do not prefer any rules/settings, PLEASEE LET ME KNOW!! Nothing is set in stone, but I can not change anything if you just leave!


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