Time to trade Gates?

General discussion and team advice concerning Redraft & Keeper leagues.
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Time to trade Gates?

Postby toine » Fri Jul 15, 2011 3:10 pm

This is an 8 keeper league with an optional rookie tagged player. (rookie tag rules are that the rookie tag runs 3 years. Each team can only have 1 tagged player. You cannot drop a tagged player.) League scoring is ppr. Here is my lineup

Orton, Kyle
Ryan, Matt (keeper)
Bush, Michael
Choice, Tashard
Goodson, Mike
Johnson, Chris (rookie tag)
McCoy, LeSean (keeper)
Stewart, Jonathan (keeper)
Bryant, Dez (keeper)
Crabtree, Michael (keeper)
Harvin, Percy (keeper)
Maclin, Jeremy (keeper)
Moore, Lance
Simpson, Jerome
Gates, Antonio (keeper)
Gresham, Jermaine
Gronkowski, Rob

My Achilles heel last year was the lack of a true #1 WR. I was going to make a run at Reggie Wayne by offering Crabtree & Gronkowski. The other owner needs to get younger and needs a TE so there is a good chance he accepts the deal. The other option I was kicking around was moving Gates. It would probably take Gates to go after the younger studs like Wallace or Fitzgerald (just to name a few.)
My questions are
Is the Reggie deal worth it for a top WR for a year or two (given his age)?
Are either Gronk or Gresham capable of being a #1 TE sooner rather than later? (making Gates expendable).

thanks in advance.
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