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NFL Final Cut Down Date

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2015 9:57 am
by CaneRivero
I've Googled and Googled and can't find the 2015 date for final 53 man roster.

If anyone can help with "official" information please let me know. We're trying to plan our draft.


Re: NFL Final Cut Down Date

Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2015 2:50 pm
by Sorcerer54
I can’t give you a definitive answer for, like you, I drew a blank on Google. What I can give you is a historical frame of reference.

I went back to 2011. Final 53-man roster cuts in the NFL occurred on Saturday, Sept. 3rd with the first regular season game being played five days later on Thursday, Sept. 8th.

In 2012, the final 53-man roster cuts happened on Friday, August 31st. Five days later, the NFL opened its regular season on Wednesday, Sept. 5th. The opener was on a Wednesday night because the NFL wanted to avoid a conflict with President Obama's speech at the Democratic National Convention on Thursday night.

In 2013, the final 53-man roster cuts happened on Saturday, August 31st. Five days later, the NFL opened its regular season on Thursday, Sept. 5th.

Last year, final 53-man roster cuts in the NFL occurred on Saturday, August 30th with the first regular season game being played five days later on Thursday, Sept. 4th.

This year the NFL’s opener is Thursday, September 10th. If the pattern is maintained, my best educated guess is that the final 53-man roster cut down date would be Saturday, Sept. 5th. That would be five days before the first regular season game as it has been in the previous years I checked. I suppose we could go back and look at 2010. The bigger the sample size the more accurate the data?