dffl nitro challenge

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Salty Dawg
Posts: 607
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dffl nitro challenge

Postby Salty Dawg » Sat Jun 26, 2010 5:19 pm


The above link is to a Challenge league that consists of total points and pick a player once each week.

I am currently co-commishing this league with Manyx (dlf member) and I apologize if this is the second go round with this here.

To get more details about this challenge please see message board item on front page .

If anyone has any interest or questions please post here and/or pm me.

I think it would be great to reach 64 entries but 32 aint too bad either.

ps: I know we are "dyno's" round here but this challenge event is cool if you are looking for a different strategy to fielding a team this year.

Pick a line-up every week..no player to be picked twice.

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