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No love for Tebow?

Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2010 12:15 pm
by Shawn
Lots of Tebow bashing going on this week! here are a couple of colums about Tebow:

From Yahoo Sports and the Jaguars website

[Offensive lineman Uche] Nwaneri posted on the Jaguars’ Web site that, while cashing a check, a bank teller started talking about how Tebow will save the Jaguars.

So Nwaneri posted his five points on Tebow, with capital letters:

"1. He can't throw, PERIOD.

2. He can't read any coverage other than probably cover 2 or man.


4. He doesn’t know how to take a snap from center.

5. HE CAN’T THROW, and that’s really something you either have or not."

I guess that settles it, then. Obviously, there's nothing the kid can do to help the team. Oh, and one more thing:

Nwaneri then urged fans to buy tickets because he doesn’t want to come out "for pregame warmups to a COMPLETELY EMPTY STADIUM ANYMORE."

Let's talk business, Uche: Whether or not the Tebow Child can make a successful transition to the pro game on the field, putting warm bodies in seats is obviously among the greatest of his many other talents. Give the people what they want. And even if Nwaneri and the legions of critics are right that Tebow is bound for NFL flopdom, I guarantee thousands of Georgia fans would be willing to make the drive down to the site of so many Cocktail Party aggravations for the sole purpose of watching their former tormenter operate behind a line that might not feel much like blocking for him.

And this from none other than Joe Theisman:
Theismann says Tebow should have retired
Posted by Mike Florio on February 4, 2010 12:18 PM ET
In a Radio Row interview with Mike Dempsey of 1010XL in Jacksonville, former Redskins quarterback Joe Theismann was candid regarding the pro prospects of former Florida quarterback Tim Tebow.

Theismann thinks that Tebow should have retired after his college football career ended.

"Rock star status preserved," Theismann said.

"Obviously at Florida they don't teach throwing the football," Theismann opined in explaining that Tebow's mechanics are "poor." Theismann also said that Urban Meyer and his staff have "no clue" regarding the process for preparing a quarterback to play "at the next level."

In Theismann's view, the point of no return came with Tebow's participation in the Senior Bowl. Now, it's too late for Tebow to turn back; Theismann said that Tebow's pride and ego won't let the 2007 Heisman winner abandon his plan to play pro football.

Since Theismann knows a thing or two about pride and ego, we'll defer to his views in this regard.

The Tebow draft debate doesn't seem to end does it? :lol:

Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2010 12:20 pm
by hosler427
It doesn't end and it won't end either. Most people there is a scale of how much you like their abilities but with Tebow it is either love or hate and I haven't seen much in between.