Return of DLF Chat!

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Return of DLF Chat!

Postby dlf_kenm » Wed Jun 20, 2012 12:09 pm

The DLF Chat feature has returned, albeit in a slightly different format.

You'll need to be logged into the main DLF website in order to see the Facebook-style chat toolbar at the bottom of the screen. From there you can;

* chat one-on-one with other signed on users
* jump into a public chat room
* create your own private chat room
* pop-out the chat box so that it remains as you navigate around the site
* reduce the chat toolbar so that it's out of sight

You do have to be logged into the website in order to use that chat client. If you are a premium Member, you just sign in as you normally would. If you are not a premium member, you can still register for the main website and use the chat tool. You can register for a free site user account here: ... n=register

This chat utility is capable of some pretty cool things. We're starting off slowly with it and keeping an eye on server utilization. Assuming all goes well, we will add this to the Forum as well so you can chat form any area of the DLF domain! We'll also look at adding additional capabilities to the service as server load, and visitor utilization warrants.

This is definitely another example of how we are constantly striving to improve DLF. I can't think of any other fantasy football website which provides a built in chat utility to help facilitate communication with and among it's community. We are always looking for ways to break new ground, provide greater value, and bring you the very best fantasy football community experience.

Please go give it a try, and share your feedback here.

Thanks for being a part of DLF!


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