Here is Practical Explanation about Next Life, Purpose of Human Life, philosophical/religious facts, theories etc.

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Re: Here is Practical Explanation about Next Life, Purpose of Human Life, philosophical/religious facts, theories etc.

Postby Jfever » Mon Apr 16, 2018 1:38 pm

Interesting subject to discuss. Thank you Wahau for taking the time to share what you shared. Some of it was a bit tough to decipher butits all good.

I respect your right to believe you and your life's purpose is derived by religion or myth. I also highly value secularisim. Basically, believe as an an adult what you want but don't get it involved with government and the education of young children. Whether it be Christian, Hindu, Muslim, Pagan, Jehovah's Witness, or any other of the hundreds to thousands of religious beliefs out there that claim to provide answers - it honestly matters not. This plethora of religions poses a significant problem. Simply put, they all provide different conflicting, but yet similar in origin explanations for mankind origin, purpose, meaning, morality, etc. Which then - philosophically means that they may all be wrong, incomplete, or likely just misleading. That is philosophy 101.

The purpose of human life and existence is most likely (according to tangible evidence),not derived from a supreme being, supported by a book, or stories of an almighty or supernatural deity. The reality of this is quite simple, meaning in life simply comes from each individual human, and what they make of their life here. In short, our meaning comes from us. To take meaning & answers from any text, whether it be the Quran or the Bible or any other historical religious text, or even from joesph Smith, the Krishna or Buddha himself, is taking answers from an authority or text written by an ancient scribe or scribes written and recorded by primitive people from a primative scientific time, then translated multiple times into today's modern languages (Not written directly by the hand and mind of any God or supernatural entity - but by MAN to serve a purpose of some type (think political, financial, geographical as in land control, etc)) - is taking something from a presumed authority as fact. Without any falsifiability. It shows a basic lack of understanding or deep denial of the modern world (Year 2018) as we know it. To presume that humans (1 species out of Millions currently known, named, and identified) are "special" or more special and have meaning or purpose - provided direct to them by a creator God is nothing but a form of Narcissistic self inflaiting belief.

This quote, made me think and worry a little, as I envisioned some people somewhere actually doing this. The concern about diet, sex, etc is quite strange. Man. What a different view of things and reality - I think.

"if you still don,t believe on me then chant any other name for 5 Min's and chant this holy name for 5 Min's and you will see effect. i promise you it works And chanting at least 16 rounds ( each round of 108 beads ) of the Hare Krishna maha-mantra daily."

**** Ok. So, what this is saying is that if I or you, or any one personally sit at their desk at work "CHANTs" a gods name.... I or you will see an effect. ******

I mean no offense but, somehow someway - you and anyone reading this, must see the fault in this logic. I can't help but wonder what the average Christian thinks of this. I'm sure they have some strong opinions on just how wrong the Hindu, Buddhist, and Muslim belief systems are. Just as the Hindu's think that the Christian core beliefs are just wrong. The Mormans, the Amish, the Jane's all have their own quite conflicting view of say the Catholics, the Jews, the Lutheran's, Muslams, and Hindus. What a strange and interesting comedy it all is. What is even better is this ; Catholics think they've got it right, that Mary should be worshiped and bread and wine turn to flesh and blood at the sound of a bell ringing and that the Pope is a higher authority on this planet than say you or me, yet they agree with evolution and a 4.6 billion year old planet. Lutherans think they've got it right as Martin Luther broke away from what was once main stream western europiean belief to what is now what we understand as being western cultures forms of Lutheran - and even - the Missouri synod Lutherans think they've got it MORE right than the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutherans do and most of these are young earth creationists beleiving that the planet is 6-10 thousand years old.. I mean the Methodists are more right than the Baptists? What about today's Scientologist core beleifs? Look into that. And the Jehovah's witness folks believe that basically poligamy is rightous ok and Joesph Smith was a special guy who found some gold tablets provided by God but unfortunately, now - those tablets are missing but Jesus did visit North America and all civilizations originated in North America and the garden of Eden is in Missouri. I mean.... How does one pick one. How does one pick which line of to call their own? EASY, they are born into it and taught these stories from a young impressionable age, just as parents before them and before them and before them and before them were. Either that, or the person as an adult is perhaps genetically suseptible to follow the crowds and is influenced or gullible towards these explanations. It also could be a combination of these factors coupled with a societies general level of education. Particularly science education.

Here is an interesting run down for you all.

- There are approximately 1.10 billion Hindus in the world with most of them residing in India. * For what its worth, Hinduism is the oldest religion in the world. So - it came first if that holds any weight with you.
- There are approximately 590 million Buddhists in the world with most living in China.
- There are about 1.90 billion Muslims in the world – roughly 25% of the global religous population, But while Islam is currently the world's second- largest religion (after Christianity), it is the fastest-growing major religion. Troubling if you understand fundamentalist Islam.
- There are about 2.4 billion Christians in the world - which works out to about 1/3 of the global population. WOW - just wow. So, if you value what a majority believes, maybe this one is for you.

Now, most of these people belonging to these religions believe things that are simply not supported by modern science any longer. Most of these people believe things in spite of what modern science tells us is real and is testable, understandable, and ultately what is true. Some put great effort into ignoring what science has revealed in the last 2-3 hundred years. Some just don't care or have time in their busy lives to even contemplate being skeptical. Some religions do more exaggerating than others. Some are more violent than others.

Matter of fact, if a person not affiliated to any popular religion were to go on about some stories like or similar to the ones central to these religions, one would likely call that individual crazy, or refer to that individual as being part of a "cult", (Think Waco Texas here... ) but, when large groups of people believe these crazy stories and explanations, we call them religions.

Man... Intellectually honest, educated people, people that honestly reflect on their own place and time of origin, people that pride themselves on knowledge, and truth, people of logic and reason ---- really do have their hands full here in the year 2018.
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Re: Here is Practical Explanation about Next Life, Purpose of Human Life, philosophical/religious facts, theories etc.

Postby Jfever » Wed Apr 18, 2018 7:58 am

Just to give perspective. That dude I responded to (Wahau) was most likely a devote Hindu or maybe Buddhist - Those two religions are heavily intertwined and Buddhism came from Hinduism historically kinda like Christianity and Islam came from Jewish origins. He / she (most likely he) posted their beliefs with their very first post, then, deleted it two days after I commented. Strange. Trolling in a way and, of course, I bit the hook. No response though. They no longer even have an active DLF account.
Truth is found through Evidence.

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* Reality (as defined by Webster's dictionary) - A word for things as they actually exist, as opposed to an idealistic or notional ideal of them.

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