Are the Niners Blowing the Foster Situation?

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Are the Niners Blowing the Foster Situation?

Postby GridironGuerilla » Fri Apr 13, 2018 8:30 am

I've seen this tweet floating around on the internet and particularly on Facebook...

"Just to recap today's NFL news *Colin Kaepernick won't say if he'll kneel next season, so Seahawaks cancel his tryout *Linebacker Reuben Foster charged with 3 felonies for allegedly punching his girlfriend in the head 8-10 times, and 49ers keep him on the team."

I've stopped responding to them becasue they are so numerous, but when I did I opined that Foster won't be on the team for long and that the Niners are acting appropriately in my opinion, as Foster hasn't yet actually been convicted of any crimes yet in this instance. Is it me or are we still a society that presumes innocence until guilt is proven? I mean, regardless of the severity of the charges, and they are certainly deplorable and disgusting, they are just charges at the moment right?

PLEASE don't misconstrue my post as defending or in ANY way supporting Fosters behavior. The guys seems to me to be a scumbag and I hope he never plays another snap in the NFL and goes to prison if all this is true. This is an examination of the Niners reaction to these events and an attempt to decide whether they are acting appropriately or not. I'm just curious about reasonable peoples take on the matter.
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Re: Are the Niners Blowing the Foster Situation?

Postby Space Cowboy » Fri Apr 13, 2018 8:45 am

They need to dump him.

Niners have had some horrible ILB breaks.........Willis and Borland retiring. Bowman getting injured over and over again and now Foster.

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Re: Are the Niners Blowing the Foster Situation?

Postby DLF_PeteL » Tue Apr 17, 2018 8:43 am

Hard to cut him right now. At this point he is still "Innocent until proven guilty". He still has his rookie deal and can't be outright cut so they will likely have to wait until there is some sort of ruling. He is likely done though if proven guilty and any jail time. I imagine the NFL will hand down some form of suspension at some point.

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